Dubovský M., Otčenášová A., Pokorný M. : Study on negative impact of harmonic components on sensitive electric equipment, In: Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, David Publishing Company, USA, Vol. 7, no. 4, 2013, p.: 733-739, ISSN 1934-8975, .
Altus J., Jedinák M., Prieložný S., Šmidovič R. : Reconfiguration in the transmission system of the Slovac Republic, In: Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, , Vol. 7, no. 3, 2013, p.: 577-582, ISSN 1934-8975, .
Kalamen L., Rafajdus P., Sekerák P., Hrabovcová V.: A Novel Method of Magnetizing Inductance Investigation of Self-Excited Induction Generators, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 48, No. 4, April 2012, p.: 1657-1660, 0018-9464, .
Furmanik, M., Makyš, P., Rafajdus, P.: Self-Sensing Six-Phase PMSM Drive Based on Back-EMF Measurement, Applied Sciences, Switzerland, 2023, ISSN 2076-3417, .
Vidlák, M., Gorel, L., Makyš, P., Staňo, M.: Sensorless Speed Control of Brushed DC Motor Based at New Current Ripple Component Signal Processing, Energies, Switzerland, 2021, p.: 5359, ISSN 1996-1073, .
Furmanik, M., Gorel, L., Konvičný, D., Rafajdus, P.: Comparative study and overview of field-oriented control techniques for 6-phase PMSM, Applied Sciences, Switzerland, 2021, ISSN 2076-3417, .
Varecha, P., Scelba, G., Cacciato, M., Makyš, P., Pácha, M.: Low-side MOSFET current sensing technique for Power Converters used in Automotive Applications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 604, Electrimacs2019, vol.1 , 2020, p.: 125-138, ISBN 978-3-030-37160-9, .
Sovička, P., Rafajdus, P., Vavrúš, V.: Switched reluctance motor drive with low-speed performance improvement, Electrical Engineering, vol. 102, iss. 1, , 2020, p.: 27-41, ISSN 0948-7921, .
Otčenášová A., Bolf A., Altus J., Reguľa M.: Active power losses in three-phase cable power lines , Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, Wydawnictwo SIGMA, 2020, p.: 200-208, ISSN: 0033-2097, .
Varecha, P., Pácha, M., Sumega, M., Furmanik, M.: Influence of power traces arrangement on quality and reliability of the DC-link current sensing, Electrical Engineering, vol. 102, iss. 1, , 2020, p.: 157–165, ISSN 0948-7921, .
Sumega, M., Rafajdus, P., Štulrajter, M.,: Current Harmonics Controller for Reduction of Acoustic Noise, Vibrations and Torque Ripple Caused by Cogging Torque in PM Motors under FOC Operation, Energies: an open access journal of related scientific research, technology development, engineering, and the studies in policy and management, vol. 13, No. 10, , 2020, p.: 1-23, ISSN: 1996-1073, .
Novák, P., Belány, P., Braciník, P., Roch, M.: Neural network design for the prediction of power demand, Elektroenergetika, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2020, Technical University of Košice, 2020, p.: 5, ISSN 1337-6756, .
Martina Kajanová, Peter Braciník, Marek Roch: Utilization of finite state machine approach for microgrid modeling, Electrical Engineering, New York, USA, 2019,11, p.: 11, ISSN: 0948-7921, .
Marián Tomašov, Martina Kajanová, Peter Braciník, Dávid Motyka: Overview of battery models for sustainable power and transport applications, Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 40, Elsevier B. V., 2019, p.: 548-555, ISSN 2352-1457, DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2019.07.079, .
Dávid Motyka, Martina Kajanová, Peter Braciník, Marián Tomašov: Modelling effects of the distributed generation supporting e-mobility on the operation of the distribution power network, Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 40, Elsevie B. V., 2019, p.: 556-563, ISSN 2352-1457, DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2019.07.080, .
Marek Širanec, Alena Otčenášová, Peter Braciník: The impact of the construction of the new 400 kV transmission power lines between Slovakia and Hungary on the cross-border transmission, Journal of Electrical Engineering (Elektrotechnický časopis), Vol. 70, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2019, p.: 418 - 428, ISSN 1335-3632, DOI: 10.2478/jee-2019-0075/, .
Marek Novák, Pavol Belány, Marek Roch, Peter Bracinik: Analysis of a Local Factors affecting the Performance of the Photovoltaic Panels, International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR), S-50, RIICO Industrial Area, Near BSNL Office, Shahpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, INDIA, 2018,10,22, p.: 5-8, 2321-0869, .
Zoššák, Š., Štulrajter, M., Makyš, P. : Self-sensing control of PMSM at zero and low speed, Communications, Vol. 20, No. 1 , Zilina, 2018, p.: 13-19, 1335-4205, .
Varecha, P., Vavrúš, V., Zuczek, B.: Issues in designs of high current applications, Communications, Vol.20, No. 1, Zilina, 2018, p.: 92-96, 1335-4205, .
Sumega, M., Struharňanský, Ľ., Gorel, L., Pácha, M.: Simulation and experimental study of ball position control at biaxial platform using state space approach, Communications, Vol. 20, No. 1, Zilina, 2018, p.: 47-54, 1335-4205, .
Ali, N., Gao, Q., Cai, X., Makyš, P., Štulrajter, M.: Fault diagnosis and tolerant control for power converter in SRM drives, The Journal of Engineering, Vol. 2018, No. 13, , 2018, p.: 546 - 551, ISSN 2051-3305, .
Pavol Rafajdus, Valéria Hrabovcová, Pavel Lehocký, Pavol Makyš, Filip Holub: Effect of saturation on field oriented control of the new designed reluctance synchronous motor , Energies : an open access journal of related scientific research, technology development, engineering, and the studies in policy and management, , 2018, p.: 1-10 online, 1996-1073 , .
Dubravka, P., Rafajdus, P., Makys, P., Szabo, L.: Control of switched reluctance motor by current profiling under normal and open phase operating condition, IET Electric Power Applications, UK, 2017, Vol. 11, Iss. 4, p.: 548–556, 1751-8660, .
Repák, M., Otčenášová, A., Altus, J., Reguľa, M. : Grid-tie power converter for model of photovoltaic power plant , ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Volume 99, Issue 4, SPRINGER, NEW YORK, USA, 2017, 12, p.: 1377-1391, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN 0948-7921 , .
Kaprál, D., Braciník, P., Roch, M., Höger, M.: Optimization of distribution network operation based on data from smart metering systems, Electrical Engineering, Vol. 99, Issue 4, Springer, New York, USA, 2017, 12, p.: 1417-1428, ISSN 0948-7921, , .
Braciník, P, Látková Kajanová, M., Altus, J.: Retrofit of distributed generation vs. frequency control in smart grids at overfrequency, Electrical Engineering, Vol. 99, Issue 4, Springer, New York, USA, 2017, 12, p.: 1403-1415, ISSN 0948-7921, .
Butko, P., Vittek, J., Fedor, T., Vavrúš, V., Mynar, Z.: Energy saving control strategy of servo drives with asynchronous motor, Electrical Engineering, , 2017, 07, 27., p.: 1-12, ISSN 1432-0487, .
Hrabovcová, V., Makyš, P., Rafajdus, P., Šebest, M.: Improved barriers rotor of the reluctance synchronous motor, Electrical Engineering, , 2017, 07, 27., p.: 1-11, ISSN 1432-0487, .
Peniak, A., Makarovič, J., Rafajdus, P., Vavrúš, V., Makyš, P., Buhr, K., Fajtl, R.: Design and optimization of switched reluctance motor for electrical vehicles, Electrical Engineering, , 2017, 07, 257., p.: 1-9, ISSN 1432-0487, .
Sovička, P., Pácha, M.: Measuring traction power and rolling resistance of model railroad, ElektroScope - online časopis pro elektrotechniku, , 2017, 04, 04., p.: 1-4, ISSN 1802-4564, .
Otčenášová, A.; Bodnár, R.; Reguľa, M.; Höger, M.; Repák M.: Methodology for Determination of the Number of Equipment Malfunctions Due to Voltage Sags , ENERGIES, Volume 10, Issue 3, SWITZERLAND, 2017, 03, p.: 26, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN 1996-1073, .
Vittek, J., Butko, P., Ftorek, B., Makyš, P., Gorel, L.: Energy Near-Optimal Control Strategies for Industrial and Traction Drives with a.c. Motors, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2017, , 2017, 01, 24., p.: 22, ISSN 1563-5147, .
Vittek, J., Gorel, L., Vavrúš, V., Struharňanský, Ľ.: Position tracking systems for ac drives employing forced dynamics control, Power Electronics and Drives (PE&D), Vol. 2 (37), no. 1 (2017), , 2017, p.: 89-103, ISSN 2543-4292, .
Pavlov Ľ., Skurčák Ľ., Chovanec J., Altus J.: Impact of impedance unbalance on the efficiency of electricity transmission and distribution - A case study, JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING-ELEKTROTECHNICKY CASOPIS, Bratislava, 2017, p.: 492-495, 1335-3632, .
Dezelak, K., Braciník, P., Höger, M., Otčenášová, A.: Comparison between the particle swarm optimisation and differential evolution approaches for the optimal proportional - integral controllers design during photovoltaic power plants modelling, IET Renewable Power Generation, UK, 2016,01,6., p.: 9, ISSN 1752-1416, .
Diko, M., Rafajdus, P., Makyš, P., Dúbravka, P., Szabó, L., Ruba, M. : A novel concept of short-flux path switched reluctance motor for electrical vehicles, ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, Ostrava, 2015,09, , .
Mušák, M., Štulrajter, M., Hrabovcová, V., Cacciato, M., Scarcella, G., Scelba, G.: Suppression of Low-order Current Harmonics in AC Motor Drives via Multiple Reference Frames Based Control Algorithm, Electric Power Components and Systems, Volume 43, Issue 18, 2015, on line, 2015, 09., 17., p.: 2059-2068, ISSN: 1532-5016, .
Látková Kajanová, M., Baherník, M., Höger, M., Braciník, P.: FSM Model of a Simple Photovoltaic System, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol 13, No 3, Ostrava, Cezch Republic, 2015, 09, p.: 230-235, ISSN 1804-3119, .
Mišák, S., Stuchlý, J., Prokop, L., Braciník, P.: Možnosti řízení spotřeby energií v rodinných domechv ostrovním porvozu, Elektro a trh, Odborný česko-slovenský elektrotechnický časopis, Ostrava-Poruba, 2015, 02, p.: 29-31, , .
Vittek, J., Ftorek, B., Butko, P., Fedor, T.: Energy Optimal Control of PMSM Drive for Time-varying Load Torque, Applied Mechanics and Materials : Innovations in Material Science, Applied Mechanics, Control and Information Technologies, vol. 710, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 2015, 01, 12., p.: 67-75, ISSN: 1662-7482, .
Höger, M., Roch, M., Braciník, P.: Simulator of Power Substation Operation, EnergySpectrum journal - Issue 1, Vol. 9, Brno, Czech Republic, 2014, p.: 6, ISSN 1214-7044, .
Rafajdus, P., Vavrúš, V., Kúdelčík, J., Dobrucký, B.: Investigation of DC and AC Energy Transfer Transients for Ultra Deep Wells, TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 3 (2014), No. 2, , 2014, p.: 28-33, ISSN 1805-3386, .
Litvaj Ivan, Poniščiaková Oľga : Entrepreneurship and quality management , Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues, Vol. 1, no. 4 , , 2014, p.: 204-209, ISSN 2345-0282, .
GOREL, L., VITTEK, J., SZYCHTA, E.: COMPARISON OF VECTOR CONTROL METHODS FOR ELIMINATION OF TORSIONAL VIBRATIONS IN AC DRIVES, Technika Transportu Szynovego, 10/2013, Zakopane, Poland, 2013, 12, 02-05, p.: 479-488, ISSN 1232-3829, .
Makyš, P., Vavrúš, V., Lehocký, P.: Traction parameter investigation of the first Slovak electric car using DC drive, ELECTROMOTION 2013, An international journal devoted to research, development, design and application of electromechanical energy converters, actuators and transducers, Vol. 20, No. 1-4, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2013, 10, 21.-22., p.: 79-83, ISSN 1223-057X, .
Dúbravka, P., Rafajdus, P., Makyš, P., Hrabovcová, V., Mušák, M., Szabo, L.: Ananlysis and investigation of switched reluctance motor as traction drive used in electric car, ELECTROMOTION 2013, An international journal devoted to research, development, design and application of electromechanical energy converters, actuators and transducers, Vol. 20, No. 1-4, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2013, 10, 21.-22., p.: 84-89, ISSN 1223-057X, .
Dobrucký, B., Kúdelčík, J., Vavrúš, V., Rafajdus, P.: DC and AC Analysis of Power Cable for Pulse Power Sources for Geothermal Applications, ElektroRevue - časopis pro elektrotechniku, vol. 4, no. 2, On-line, , 2013, 06, 20., p.: 28-33, ISSN 1213-1539, .
Mušák, M., Štulrajter, M.: Novel Methods for Parameters Investigation of PM Synchronous Motors, Acta Technica Corviniensis - Bulletin of engineering, , 2013, p.: 51-56, ISSN 2067-3809, .
Kováč, M., Braciník, P., Höger, M., Roch, M., Otčenášová, A.: Power Restoration in Medium Voltage Network using Multiagent System, Advances in Electrical and electronic Engineering - Special Issue, Volume 11, Number 2, Scopus, Ostrava, ČR, 2013, p.: 65 - 72, ISSN 1336-1376, .
Hudec, R., Janoušek, L., Benčo, M., Makyš, P., Wieser, V., Zachariášová, M. Pácha, M., Vavrúš, V., Vestenický, M.: Structural Health Monitoring of Helicopter Fuselage, COMMUNICATIONS - Scientific letters of the University of Žilina, vol. 15, 2/2013, Žilina, 2013, p.: 95-101, ISSN: 1335-4205, .
Faber, J., Štulrajter,M., Vittek, J.: Self-calibration of the resolver sensor in servo drive application, COMMUNICATIONS - Scientific letters of the University of Žilina, vol. 15, 2A/2013, Žilina, 2013, p.: 17-22, ISSN: 1335-4205, .
Sekerák, P., Hrabovcová, V., Onufer, M., Rafajdus, P., Kalamen, L.: Losses, efficiency and thermal behavior of the synchronous motors with different PM materials, COMMUNICATIONS - Scientific letters of the University of Žilina, vol. 15, 2A/2013, Žilina, 2013, p.: 46-54, ISSN: 1335-4205, .
Dúbravka, P., Rafajdus, P., Makyš, P., Hrabovcová, V., Szabo, L.: Analysis of switched reluctance motor behavior under electrical fault conditions, COMMUNICATIONS - Scientific letters of the University of Žilina, vol. 15, 2A/2013, Žilina, 2013, p.: 60-66, ISSN: 1335-4205, .
Pácha, M., Štepánek, J.: Performance and fuel comsuption optimizations of shuting hybrid locomotives, COMMUNICATIONS - Scientific letters of the University of Žilina, vol. 15, 2A/2013, Žilina, 2013, p.: 107-112, ISSN: 1335-4205, .
Vittek, J., Vavrúš, V., Briš, P., Gorel, L.: Forced Dynamics Control of the Elastic Joint Drive with Single Rotor Position Sensor, Automatika – Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, Vol 54, No 3 (2013), 2013, p.: 337-347, ISSN: 1848-3380, .
Vittek, J., Ryvkin, S.: Decomposed Sliding Mode Control of the Drive with Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor and Flexible Coupling, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2013, , 2013, p.: 17, ISSN: 1563-5147, .
Beran, J.: Elektrické inštalácie nízkeho napätia - nové STN, Elektrorevue 01/13, Žilina, 2013, p.: 1-4, ISSN 1336-8559, .
Beran, J.: Bezpečnosť elektrických inštalácií a zariadení v závislosti na vzájomnej väzbe elektrotechnickej a požiarnej bezpečnosti, Elektrorevue 02/13, Žilina, 2013, p.: 1-5, ISSN 1336-8559, .
Beran, J.: Nové normy na ochranu pred bleskom, Elektrorevue 03/12, Žilina, 2013, p.: 1-6, ISSN 1336-8559, .
Hrabovcová, V., Rafajdus, P., Lipták, M., Szabó, L.: Performances of converters suitable for switched reluctance generator (SRG) operation, Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 64, no. 4, , 2013, p.: 201-211, ISSN: 1335-3632, .
Braciník, P., Höger, M.,Kováč, M.,Altus, J.,Roch, M.,Otčenášová, A.: Accuracy verification of new fault location method for medium voltage distribution networks, Acta Technica, Volume 57 (2012), Number 3, Czech Republic, 2012, Scopus, p.: 295-305, ISSN 0001-7043, .
Otčenášová A., Altus J., Hečko P., Roch M.: Measurement characteristics of voltage in practice and possibilities for improvement of voltage, Przeglad elektrotechnniczny (Electrical Review), Varšava, Poľsko, WoS, Scopus, 2012, R. 88 NR 9a/2012, p.: 103-106, ISSN 0033-2097, .
Otčenášová, A., Altus, J., Braciník, P.: Power Quality in Practice, Analysis of Power Quality and Available Solutions, International Review on Modelling and Simulation (IREMOS), Vol. 5, N. 4, Taliansko, 2012, 08, Scopus, p.: 1672-1678, ISSN 1974-9821, .
Kováč, M., Braciník, P.: Höger, M., Roch, M.: The use of multi-agent system for fault-solving in smart distribution grids, EE - Časopis pre elektrotechniku, elektroenergetiku, infomačno-komunkačné technológie, 1/2012, Bratislava, 2012, 02, p.: 31-34, ISSN 1335-2547, .
Rafajdus, P., Braciník, P., Hrabovcová, V., Saitz, J., Altus, J., Höger, M., Pyrhönen, J.: Examination of Instrument Transformers for Their Employment in New Fault Location Method, International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), Vol. 7, N. 3, Taliansko, 2012, , p.: 4585 - 4595, ISSN 1827-6660, .
Sekerák, P., Hrabovcová, V., Pyrhonen, J., Kalamen, L., Rafajdus, P., Onufer, M.: FERRITES AND DIFFERENT WINDING TYPES IN PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Volume 63, no. 3, 2012, FEI Bratislava, 2012, p.: 162-170, 1335 - 3632, .
Roch, M., Braciník, P., Altus, J., Otčenášová, A.: Control of single phase power active filters, Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki (Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute), Zeszyt 258, Warszawa, Poľsko, 2012, p.: 201-210, ISSN 0032-6216, .
Pyrhönen Juha, Jussila Hanne, Alexandrova Yuliya, Rafajdus Pavol, Nerg Janne: Harmonic loss calculation in rotor surface permanent magnets - new analytic approach , IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, Vol. 48, no. 8 , 2012, p.: 2358-2366, ISSN 0018-9464, .
Kamiev K., Nerg J., Pyrhonen J., Zaboin V., Hrabovcová Valéria, Rafajdus Pavol: Hybrid excitation synchronous generators for island operation, IET electric power applications, Vol. 6,, 2012, p.: 1-11, 1751-8660, .
Beran, J.: Bezpečnosť elektrických zariadení - časť 1, Elektrorevue 01/12, Žilina, 2012, p.: 1-4, ISSN 1336-8559, .
Beran, J.: Bezpečnosť elektrických zariadení - časť 2, Elektrorevue 02/12, Žilina, 2012, p.: 1-4, ISSN 1336-8559, .
Beran, J.: Bezpečnosť elektrických zariadení - časť 3, Elektrorevue 03/12, Žilina, 2012, p.: 1-6, ISSN 1336-8559, .
Malek, M., Makyš, P. Štulrajter, M.:: Feedforward controlof electrical drives - rulesand limits, AEEE, Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, , 2011,03, p.: 35-42, 1804-3119, .
Malek, M., Makyš, P. Štulrajter, M.:: An elimination of resonance in electric drives, AEEE, Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, , 2011,03, p.: 43-47, 1804-3119, .
Rafajdus, P., Sekerák, P., Kalamen, L., Hrabovcová, V., Chen, H.: Static and Dynamic Analysis of Linear Switched Reluctance Machine, Communications, The Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina, Volume 13, Zilina, 2011, 12, 01, p.: 6-11, 1335-4205, .
Bůžek, M.: Novinky v elektrických inštaláciách nízkeho napätia – požiadavky na osobitné inštalácie alebo priestory , Elektrorevue : informačný spravodaj. č.3, Žilina, 2011, 07-09, p.: 1-6, 1336-8559, .
Bůžek, M.; Beran, J.: Problematika určenia životnosti elektromechanických prvkov , Elektrorevue : informačný spravodaj, č.2, Žilina, 2011, 04-06, p.: 2-6, 1336-8559, .
Braciník, P., Roch, M., Šmidovič, R.: Možnosti predpovede výkonu z fotovoltických elektrární na Slovensku, Časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku. Roč.17, č.2 (2011), Bratislava, Slovensko, 2011, 04, p.: 8-11, ISSN 1335-2547, .
Praženica M., Dobrucký B., Sekerák P., Kalamen L.: Design, Modeling and Simulation of Two-Phase Two- Stage Electronic System With Orthogonal Output for Supplying of Two-Phase ASM, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, , 2011, 03, 30, p.: 56 - 64, 1804-3119, .
Praženica M., Dobrucký B., Sekerák P., Kalamen L.: Design, Modeling and Simulation of Two-Phase Two- Stage Electronic System With Orthogonal Output for Supplying of Two-Phase ASM, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, , 2011, 03, 30, p.: 56 - 64, 1804-3119, .
Höger, M., Rafajdus, P., Braciník, P., Kankula, L.: The specification of data needed for fault location in medium voltage distribution networks based on triangulation principle, PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), R. 87 NR 2/2011, Poland, 2011, 02, p.: 44 - 48, ISSN 0033-2097, .
Vittek, J., Makyš, P.: Forced dynamics control - advantages and disadvantages, ATP Journal 2/2011, , 2011, 02, p.: 14, ISSN: 1336-233X, .
Bůžek, M.: Odborná spôsobilosť na určených technických zariadeniach elektrických podľa Vyhl. č. 205/2010 Z. z. , Elektrorevue : informačný spravodaj, č.1, Žilina, 2011, 01-03, p.: 2-4, 1336-8559, .
Turček, J. Hraško, M. Altus, J.: PHOTOVOLTAICS IN PRESENT DAYS AND THEIR COEXISTENCE WITH POWER SYSTEM, Communications – Scientific letters of the University of Zilina, 2A/2011, Vol. 13. , , 2011, p.: 109. - 113., 1335-4205, .
Höger, M., Braciník, P., Roch, M.: Simulation of a power substation´s control system operation, Communications: Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina, Vol. 13, No. 2A, Žilina, 2011, p.: 44. - 48., ISSN 1335-4205, .
Hrabovcova, V., Rafajdus, P., Liptak, M.: Output Power of Switched Reluctance Generator with regard to the Phase Number and Number of Stator and Rotor Poles, Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, No.3(109), Litva, 2011, p.: 25-30, 1392-1215, .
Minárech, P., Vittek, J., Szychta, E., Luft, M.: Energy saving PMSM position control respecting Coulomb friction, Logistyka 6/2011, Poland, 2011, p.: 2899-2910, ISSN: 1231-5478, .
Bůžek, M.: Osoba znalá podľa STN 34 3100: 2001 v praktických súvislostiach s platnou legislatívou SR, Elektrorevue 04/11, Žilina, 2011, p.: 1-4, ISSN 1336-8559, .
Litvaj, I., Drbúl, M., Kovačiková, A.: Quality, risk and knowledge management in the small and medium sized enterprises , Technologické inžinierstvo, Roč. 8, č. 1 , , 2011, p.: 6-8., ISSN 1336-5967, .
Altus, J., Otčenášová, A.: Connection of photovoltaic power plants into the electricity system in the SR, Przeglad elektrotechnniczny (Electrical Review), Varšava, Poľsko, 2010, WoS, Scopus, p.: 159 - 163, ISSN 0033-2097, .
Hrabovcová, V., Lipták, M., Rafajdus, P.: Magnetic Circuit Optimization for a Switched Reluctance Generator, International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), , 2010, July-August , p.: 1571-1579, 1827-6660, .
Vittek, J., Makyš, P., Pospíšil, M., Szychta, E., Luft, M.: State-Space Control of the Drive with PMSM and Flexible Coupling, Logistyka 6/2010, Poland, 2010, 12, 01., p.: 3587-3599, CD Rom, ISSN: 1231-5478, .
Michal Malek, Pavol Makyš, Marek Štulrajter: An ÚVOD DO RIADENIA ELEKTRICKÝCH SERVOPOHONOV S PRUŽNÝM SPOJENÍM – PRAVIDLÁ A LIMITY, Advances in ElectricaAEEE, Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, vol. 8, no. 4, , 2010, 12, p.: 90-95, 1804-3119, .
Peter Hudák, Valéria Hrabovcová: Mathematical Modelling and Parameter Determination of Reluctance Synchronous Motor with Squirrel Cage, Journal of ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 61, No. 6, Bratislava, 2010, 11, p.: 357-364, ISSN 1335-3632, .
Braciník, P., Krollová, S.: The possibilities of photovoltaic power plants’ output prediction, Časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku EE, ročník 16. číslo 5, 2010, Bratislava, Slovensko, 2010, 10., p.: 6. - 9., ISSN 1335-2547, .
Malek, M., Makyš, P. Štulrajter, M.:: Úvod do riadenia elektrických servopohonov s predkorekciou, AEEE, Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, vol. 8, no. 3, , 2010, 09, p.: 72-76, 1804-3119, .
Beran, J.: How is the review of electrical equipment according to STN 33 1500: 1990 and STN 33 2000-6: 2007 after 1.1.2010 - 2 part , Elektrorevue, Žilina, 2010, 07, p.: 1-8, ISSN 1336-8559, .
Rafajdus, P., Braciník, P., Hrabovcová V.: The Current Transformer Parameters Investigation and Simulation, Journal of ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, 4(100), Litva, 2010, 04, p.: 29 - 32, ISSN 1392-1215, .
Beran, J.: How is the review of electrical equipment according to STN 33 1500: 1990 and STN 33 2000-6: 2007 after 1.1.2010 - 1 part , Elektrorevue, Žilina, 2010, 04, p.: 1-5, ISSN 1336-8559, .
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Vittek, J., Vavrúš, V., Buday, J., Kuchta, J.: Forced Dynamics Control Of An Actuator With Linear PMSM, Journal FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, SERIES: ELECTRONICS AND ENERGETICS, vol. 22, No. 2, Bulgaria, 2009, 08,, p.: 183-195, , .
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Vittek, J., Dodds, S., J., Briš, P., Štulrajter, M., Makyš, P.: Experimental Verification of Chattering Free Sliding Mode Control of the Drive Position Employing PMSM, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 59, No.3, 2008, p.: 122 - 128, , .
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Vittek, J., Briš, P., Štulrajter, M., Makyš, P.: Simulation analysis of position control in sliding mode without control chattering for the drive with induction motor, Acta Mechanica Slovaca, 3-B,2008, roč.12./MMaMS, Košice, 2008, p.: 917-928, , .
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Vittek, J., Makyš, P., Štulrajter, M., Dodds, S.J., Perryman, R.: Servo-Position Control with Dynamic Lag Precompensator for PMSM Drives, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Timisoara Romania, 2007, Volume 7, p.: 7.1.4, , .
Lipták, M., Hrabovcová, V., Rafajdus, P., Zigmund, B.: Switched Reluctance Machine with Asymmetric Power Converter in Generating Mode, Journal, Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, Košice, Slovak Republic, 2007, No.1, Vol.7, p.: 5-10, , .
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